Virtual Tour Order Forms
If you are using this link it is because you indicated on the booking request that you would like to add on a virtual tour to your shoot package. Please be sure to complete the appropriate form by the shoot appointment date. If a response isn't received then the default tour will be used and it will be up to the agent to go back into the tour to add in the property details. Please notify us immediately if you did not intend to add on the virtual tour, so we can remove it from your booking agreement. Virtual tours may not be removed within 24-hour of the photography appointment. The tour is created at this time and once it is created you may not remove it from the booking. Please email us at if you have any questions.
New Virtual Tour Customers
If this is you first virtual tour with Spaces & Faces Photography you will select the first button below. This is a longer form, so we can set up your customer profile including all your default tour design preferences. If you choose to include your headshot and/or logo in the virtual tour please email the files to prior to your appointment time. The default tour type (layout, font, music, colors, timing, links, etc.) will be used, if you prefer to skip the second half of the New Virtual Tour Customers form below. Click here for a sample of our default branded tour type.
Previous Virtual Tour Customers
If you have previously ordered a virtual tour from us and have already completed the form above, then you will use the button below to answer only the property specific questions, since we already have your customer tour profile set up.