frequently asked questions for portraits...
How many proofs/options will I get to select from? The number of options depend on the package ordered. The longer the session time the more options you will have to choose from, but here is an average: Mini Portrait Package ~50 options, Regular Portrait Package ~75 to 100 options, and Expanded Portrait Package ~125 to 150 options.
Difference between proof vs. full edit? The options gallery will include all the proofs from your session. The proofs are all the usable images from your session and the number will vary based on your session time. These proofs have only been edited to include overall adjustments to exposure, white balance, and crop. Once you select an image for your package it will undergo additional edits including detailed color/exposure correction, blemish reductions, removal of scratches/stray hairs, background adjustments, teeth whitening, brightening of eyes, etc. Although we may remove a distracting item from the background (people, cars, light poles, etc.), our services do not include total background changes or advanced retouching (face swaps, removal of braces. extensive body changes, etc.).
What is included with the standard retouching of individual in my final images? Our standard retouching includes reduction of clothing lint, blemishes, scratches, stray hairs, teeth color, brightening of eyes, and subtle skin smoothing. Our services does not include advanced retouching (hair changes, wrinkle reduction, extensive body/face slimming, removal of braces, face/body swaps) or background changes; so please do not request this when selecting images.
Why can't I share the proofs on social media if I pay for the the Keepsake Collection? The purpose of the Keepsake Collection add-on is to have the images for your private collection to look back on. These may be images you want to own but not pay the fee to have them fully edited. Since these are your proof images and only include global adjustments, they are not produced to the standard that reflects our final portrait product. Sharing these with others or posting on social media would not be a good representation of my work as a photographer and would be a violation of the usage rights granted to you as our client.
Can I have more outfit changes/location than the package lists? This depends on the selected package. The Mini Portrait Package may not include any additional changes or locations. However, the regular and expanded portrait packages may if the request is disclosed at the time of booking for an additional charge. The details on the booking form will allow me to determine how much time to add to the session for the additional requests.
Do you offer holiday mini session? Throughout the year, we offer mini sessions to help you capture these memories at an affordable rate. Themed mini sessions are offered on a specific date and time at a discounted price (i.e. bluebonnets, back to school, holidays, etc. The mini session are typically $150, last 15 minutes, and include 3 images. Additional images may be purchased. Please subscribe to our Portrait News email list below if you would like to be notified of these sessions.
What will my Options Gallery include? The options gallery is temporary and is only live while you are making your image selections (up to two weeks). These images are watermarked and will allow you to "favorite" the images you want from you order. If you added on the Keepsake Collection add-on you will be provided with a code that will allow you to download the proofs. Once you have notified us of your final selections, the options gallery will be removed.
Can I select more than the allowed package images for full edits? Yes, you may order more than the quantity listed under your package at $20 per additional image. All the selected images for your portrait session will need to marked as a "favorite" under the original email used for the booking form. This tells me how many and which images you want for your final order. All sessions will come with one primary invoice for any additional images ordered and the invoice is due prior to editing the additional images. So lets say you have a 5 image package and you want 5 extra images. You would mark all 10 as a favorite in your album to finalize your order. Since the initial 5 images were part of the session package which has already been paid for, I will begin editing those right away. You will receive a payment link to pay for the additional 5 images. Once payment is received the additional images will be edited as well.
Can I screenshot and/or share the options gallery with family and friends? The options gallery is for selection purposes only and we ask that you do not share the album link and password with others. These images are preliminary and do not reflect my final product as a photographer. I do understand you may want to include other family members when making your selections and for this reason you may show the album to other people, but we ask that you do not provide them with the link or password. The reason for this is when someone favorites an image it adds it to your order. If you have added the Keepsake Collection add-on you will be able to download all the images from your proof gallery for your private use and should not share this download with anyone else. Please not we ask that you do not share your Options gallery but you are free to share your Final gallery with others.
Will I be able to order prints directly from my online gallery? Yes, as an added convenience you will be able to order prints directly through your album. These prints ship directly from the professional print lab we use to your address, and you will typically receive them within 2-5 business days. All images are printed on a beautiful creamy deep matte finish on 100-year archival paper. All print sales are final.
Do I have to order prints from the album, or can I order from my local photo lab? You do not have to order prints from us. All of the fully edited images will be available for you to download and will include a print release in case you have any issues printing at your preferred lab. However, I do highly recommend ordering from the album to be sure you get an amazing quality image. My monitor is calibrated to our professional lab's printers and ordering prints from them means you will get the coloring intended. Local labs may use different printers and paper that may distort the coloring, sharpness, and quality of the image. This is especially important with portraits as skin tones may look off at other labs (sometimes with a green or magenta hue). All images ordered from the album are printed on a beautiful creamy matte finish on 100-year archival paper. Please note, all print sales are final.
Can I share the final gallery link with friends/family to order their own prints from? Yes, you may share your final album with others so they can order their own prints. All print orders are invoice separately and are due at checkout. Print orders are typically received in 2-5 business days for US addresses.
Why is there an add-on for weekend appointments? I left my full time job as an environmental scientist to be a part-time photographer to allow me to spend more time with my family and to live life to the fullest. I schedule most of my portrait shoots during golden hour (one hour before sunset) when lighting is optimal. For this reason I initially wasn't going to do shoots over the weekend, as it would take up prime family time. But know sometimes peoples schedule require this. So I will shoot over the weekend with an add-on of $50 for any appointment on Friday (after 3 PM, Saturday, or Sunday).