commercial promotions and discounts...
The discounts listed below applies only to the advertised photography package and are not applicable to travel charges or optional add-ons (twilight, rush delivery, additional images, etc.).
Referrals - Nothing makes us happier than when an existing client refers us out. When a new client includes your name on a booking form for their first shoot with us, we will send you a referral code to use for 10% off your next commerical package. As an incentive for listing your name on the booking form, we will also give the new client 5% off their photography package for their first shoot with us. So its a win win for everyone! Referral codes will be sent out once the new client completes their photography session.
Reshoots - We understand there may be situation when we have to reshoot a property. Maybe you want to show off before/after of your work. Or, you decide after the fact you want to add twilight. Either way, we appreciate your repeat business and will offer a 10% discount off the advertised commercial package price for the second shoot at the same property. Reshoot discounts are not applicable to exterior only packages.